When Danni from Oh, Hello Friend asked me to join her 12 Days of Parcels package exchange I knew a few of the others that were also participating. However, there were also some I hadn't been introduced to yet. I decided to use the project to get to know everyone a little bit better while I assembled their packages.
Everyone's package consisted of five different envelopes. I browsed their blogs, read their Tweets, and viewed their Instagram accounts to get a feeling for everyone in the swap. I used what I learned to pull together little treats I felt represented various aspects of them and their life - hometowns, hobbies, preferences, and such. I included mostly paper items - postcards, labels, tickets, of course.
Here is a few examples of what I slipped inside the envelopes. The vintage transit tickets represented Danni's fondness for travel, and the stamped envelope stood for Miranda's love of mail.
After all of the envelopes were filled and labeled, I bundled the envelopes together with strips of tickets.
I wanted to include a little note explaining how I put together each package so I added a BINGO card with a note on the back.
Each bundle of envelopes went inside a large, vintage office envelope with a cluster of new and old postage. If you were one of the 12 Days of Parcels participants, hope you loved your mail!
You can easily adapt this idea for any gift giving experience, even if you already know the recipient well. Fill the envelopes with gifts that represent their favorite hobbies, best memories together, most admired qualities...